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Bont CronoMk2
Photo of Bont CronoMk2

Crono je prvi popolnoma aerodinamični čevelj namenjen vožnji na čas. Ker se noge pri visokih hitrostih na pedalih vrtijo še precej hitreje, so pri Bontu razvili aerodinamične čevlje, da zdrsnejo skozi zrak. Tako je poganjanje bolj tekoče in lažje. Ker so tudi pri UCI ugotovili, da je v čevelj vložena izredna tehnologija in da dejansko izboljšajo hitrost pri vožnji na čas, so posegli po skrajnih ukrepih in čevlje Bont Crono prepovedali na uradna tekmovanja pod okriljem UCI.
Kljub temu pa se je Bont odločil, da bo čevlje ponudil rekreativcem.

The UCI has recently informed Bont that it is officially banning the "Crono" from competitions based on the view that the design of the Crono contradicts the UCI's article 1.3.033 which stipulates: “It is forbidden to wear non-essential items of clothing or items designed to influence the performances of a rider such as reducing air resistance or modifying the body of the rider (compression, stretching, support). Items of clothing or equipment may be considered essential where weather conditions make them appropriate for the safety or the health of the rider. In this case, the nature and texture of the clothing or equipment must be clearly and solely justified by the need to protect the rider from bad weather conditions. Discretion in this respect is left to the race commissaires. Equipment (helmets, shoes, jerseys, shorts, etc.) worn by the rider may not be adapted to serve any other purpose apart from that of clothing or safety by the addition or incorporation of mechanical or electronic systems which are not approved as technical innovations under article 1.3.004.” Bont is in formal communication with the UCI regarding this matter as it is totally contradictory to the standards they have set by allowing countless manufacturers to produce items such as skinsuits, aero helmets, booty covers, etc, etc."

Priporočena maloprodajna cena: 549.00 €

Specializirani slovenski prodajalci Bont kolesarske opreme
Promocijski center, Tržaška cesta 65, Ljubljana

Osnovni material: 100 % karbon
Zunanja plast: Karbon z aerodinamično prevleko za vezalke
Notranja plast: Non Porous Microfiber
Debelina materialov: 3.6 mm
Vložek: EVA thermo-moldable
Nastavki za hojo: Zamenljivi
Oblazinjenje: Spominska pena
Možnost popolnega termičnega preoblikovanja
Zračniki: 40 zračnikov na sprednji strani in škrge na loku noge.
Zapiranje čevlja: Vezalke z aerodinamično prevleko
Teža: 295 gramov